Kidoos Is the first 3D NFT collectibles minted on Solana Blockchain, Each Kidoos is unique and it has its own story and Character,
Kidoos are characters from Solana Universe colonizing the Metaverse and discovering Mistrues items and planets on the digital Roume the world of bits. Some Kidoos characters represent pop culture and real-life world legends, live on the metaverse of Solana space.
Our Mission:
Is to Mint NFT Kidoos, With which you can play different games, Our vision of the Solan a Metaverse is to create a game in the spacial web with a very unique style and Art Direction.
Road Map
1-Mint First 10 Kidoos- 16 August 2021
2-Lunch First Metaverse Kidoos Game – -29 August
3-Minting the first land of Solana Metaverse- 30 August 2021
4-Connecting The game To Solana blockchain -September 2021